How Zerotier changed my (Home)Lab

In the past, my home lab runs on the famous intel nuc. It has aged well over the last 3 years and is still incredible. But the load of the virtual infrastructure becomes more as it does not run only my Graylog Setup, but also the Minecraft server, the UniFi…

see the tree in the woods - github notifications and google mail

When you start working with Github you might be overwhelmed by all the notificiations that are suddenly in your inbox. It looks like every action that everyone does creates an e-mail that just floods you. Github themself already provide help with that topic in the github help center [https://help.…

Working with Cisco ASA / Nexus on Graylog

It is hard to have a working centralized logging environment when you run network devices. Every vendor has his own version and understanding of syslog. Additional most did not speak any kind of structured log format. Some speak some binary format. With that knowledge and the wish to include Cisco…

factory defaults for Gigaset handset

Reset your Siemens Gigaset mobile handset to factory defaults is little complicate and you need to follow these steps exactly. * turn off the mobile handset * press 1,4,7 at the same time and hold them * turn the device on (while still press 1,4,7) * if you see "…

pimp my pi-hole

seit geraumer Zeit nutze ich pi-hole [] Setup zuhause im im gesamten Netzwerk unabhängig vom Gerät etwas sicherer unterwegs zu sein. Tracker und das Profiling wird dadurch erschwert, aber auch ein SmartTV zeigt - ans Netzwerk angeschlossen - erstaunlich wenig Werbung als Overlay. Gerade in letzter…

function of the day

I love the simple solution and the open to glue something together that just works without learning to much that is after a few days lost again. Maybe that is the reason I prefer to use linux and the ability to glue those nice single purpose tools with a | together.…

update on xmpp / jabber

as a short update on the self hosted jabber [] post I like to add some more security related information. Various options are available to secure your site even more. Not all are useful, but some might have some impact. If you use IM Observatory [https:…

modern selfhosted xmpp / jabber

I had my own jabber server running since a very long time. But, to be honest it was never my favorit. I had it just to have it ... the nerd problem. Short before I turned it off, I had a reason to look again at it. If you want to…