morgens kann es schon sehr spassig sein, wenn man sein icq öffnet und sich
beim suchen eines bekannten so mal richtig in die nesseln setzt ? auf jeden
fall kann ich sagen "made my day"
10:30:30 9726XXX: Moin Gerd 10:31:38 341634XXX: à êòî òû åñòü? 10:31:52
9726XXX: Sorry ? 10:32:06 341634XXX: Õóé ñîñè ñîðè íå ñîðè ñëîâàìè 10:32:54
9726XXX: sorry maybe there is a mistage from my side .. sorry about! 10:33:03
341634XXX: I want sex with you..... 10:33:31 341634XXX: Fuck you, droch penis
, BITCH!!!!!!!! 10:33:41 9726XXX: .... have fun with your hand! 10:34:29
341634XXX: AMERICANS - KILLS bitches!!! 10:34:48 9726XXX: im not an american
... 10:35:14 341634XXX: What you addres? 10:35:31 9726XXX: why should i sent
it to you ? 10:36:23 341634XXX: because you first write me 10:36:23 9726XXX:
but wait ... until i need to work now .. fare well and haave fun! 10:36:58
9726XXX: it was a mistake ! a friend use the same nick and has nearly the same
uin 10:37:18 341634XXX: fuck you gay ... kiss my ass 10:37:29 9726XXX: polite
as a chicken 10:38:04 341634XXX: but it's not interessting to me because you
fuck gay oand go to the nahui!! 10:38:29 341634XXX: ÀÉ ÂÑÅ ÈÄÈ ÍÀÕÓÉ 10:38:34
341634XXX: çàõî÷åøü ñóêà ïåðåâåäøü 10:38:39 341634XXX: ãðÿçü òðÿïêà ïîñìåøèùå
10:38:42 341634XXX: ïîçîðèùå 10:39:00 341634XXX: it's ALL a fuck you
MOTHER!!!! 10:39:15 9726XXX: why you fuck your mother ? 10:39:48 9726XXX:
didn't you have a girlfriend so you need to fuck your mother ?
danach habe ich dann mal genüsslich den lieben kerl auf die blockliste gesetzt
! ... aber gelacht habe ich...
{% include JB/setup %}